
The 2025 Fark Fiction Anthology

It's not news, it's fiction

It's not news, it's . . .

Fark is a registered trademark of Fark, Inc and they're not officially affiliated with us but we think what they're doing is cool

Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

Here it is! The 2025 Fark Fiction Anthology, this year's collection of stories from Farkers. We're glad you've decided to participate! We'll be accepting submissions from 3/1/2025 until 7/31/2025, and the ones which receive the highest scores from our select panel of Fark Judges will be published in both electronic e-book and paperback formats, with all profits being donated to charity.

Submissions must be less than ten thousand words in length, and should be original, previously unpublished* fiction in one of the following categories: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Humor, Horror, or Suspense/Mystery/Thriller. You must own the rights to your work.

There is no minimum length required. If you can make a fifty word story fascinating, we want to see it! We’ll also accept submissions in the form of poetry, as long as they fit in one of the genres listed above. 

We tend to like originality and inventive works, and strongly dislike hate speech or bigotry of any kind. In general, if you couldn’t post it on Fark.com without getting a timeout from a moderator, we probably won’t accept it. 

If your submission is part of a larger work, please make sure it works as a standalone story, and please let us know so we can consider it properly!

*Previously unpublished means it's not available in any commercial magazine, book, anthology, or collection, in print on in electronic form. In general, the exception to this rule is content you have posted to a public message board such as Fark.com, or a web log or personal web site -- as long as money isn't being charged for it, it's okay.

There are a few technical/legal terms you should be familiar with before we start. We'll call those “Terms.” There are also some conditions that have to be met before we can accept or publish anything. We'll call those “Conditions.”

So before you send us anything, be sure you read—and understand—the Terms and Conditions.


Anthology: Is simply a collection of works from a number of different authors. Each author retains his/her own copyright

Author: That's you, assuming you wrote the whole thing yourself. If you didn't, then list the other author(s) or don't submit it

Copyright : An Author has automatic copyright in her/his own work. That means you have complete control over the disposition of that work and can assign some or all of those rights. It is not legally necessary to register your copyright with the government in order to exercise your rights, but if you want to do so that's up to you

Editor: In our case i s the last person who goes over the story before publication, makes any final corrections, does the design and layout, and determines where (and under which Tab) in the anthology it appears. The Editor has final say on what is included in the anthology

Publication: Our anthology will be published as an e-book on Amazon, Kindle Unlimited and a physical version on Amazon Print On Demand.

Readers : Are volunteers who look over each submission and determine whether or not to accept it and which Tab it should go under. Readers score each submission on a scale of 1 – 10. The highest scored works will be included subject to the Editor's veto

Tabs: As part of the collaboration with Fark, Drew has kindly let us use certain design elements in our anthology, specifically the Fark Tabs as a way of categorizing the various stories. Feel free to suggest which Tab you think yours should appear under

and . . .


First the negative stuff:

There's no guarantee that your story will be accepted for inclusion in The 2025 Fark Fiction Anthology. We have a panel of Readers who will go through every submission and recommend whether it be accepted or not. There are a number of reasons why your story might not make the cut:

And now the more positive stuff (on the assumption your story is accepted for publication):

If all of the above is acceptable, then go ahead and email your submission to submissions@farkfiction.net with your story cut and pasted in the body of the email itself (no attachments, please!)

Good Luck!